Practice Staff
Clinical Staff
Dr EC Vasanth MBBS DGO DRCOG - Snr Partner​
Dr S Vasanth MBChB MRCP MRCGP DRCOG - Snr Partner ​
Temitope Babajide RGN - Practice nurse
Non clinical staff
Mrs Katie Vasanth- Practice Manager
Ms Jan Butterworth - Receptionist
Ms Needa Iqbal - Receptionist
Ms Gemma Lawson - Receptionist
Mrs Joan Nixon- Medical Secretary
Mr Mohamad Kaziz- Medical Administration

Patients' Rights to General Medical Services
To be offered a health check on joining a doctor’s list for the first time.
To have appropriate drugs and medicine prescribed.
To be referred to a Consultant acceptable to them when they and their GP thinks it is necessary, and to be referred for a second opinion if they and their GP think it is advisable.
To have access to their health records, subject to any limitations of the law, and to know that those working for the NHS are under a legal duty to keep those records confidential.
To choose whether to take part in research or medical student training.
To receive a copy of their doctors practice leaflet, setting out the services that he or she provides.
To receive a full and prompt reply to any complaints they make about the care they receive at the practice.
Our aims are to offer the highest standard of health care and advice to our patients, with the resources available to us.
We have a team approach to patient care and endeavor to monitor the service provided to patients, to ensure that it meets current standards of excellence.
We are dedicated to ensuring that Practice staff and Doctors are trained to the highest level and to provide a stimulating and rewarding environment in which to work
Practice philopsophy
Practice Charter
You will be treated with courtesy and respect by all Practice personnel.
We aim to answer the telephone within six rings.
An appointment with a Practice Nurse will be available within three working days.
Requests for repeat prescriptions will be dealt with within 48 hours. This can be in person or by dropping off your request in the locked box in reception.
All comments and suggestions about the service are welcome. Please use the box provided in reception.
If you have a complaint please speak to any member of staff. Your complaint will be dealt with in a professional and efficient manner.
We wish to make the surgery as accessible as possible. If you have hearing, visual or physical difficulties please let the receptionist know so that we can enable you to fully use our services.